Thursday, July 7, 2005

ask and you will receive...

It's really cool to see God answering prayers! Been praying for opportunities recently, as well as for the ability to see them and the courage to take advantage of them. So, this afternoon, as our class was walking to the metro, headed to the national museum with our professor, she and I got to talking somehow about our up-coming trip to Karlovy Vary and Plzen this weekend as a group. I told her I'd just recently been in Plzen, and when she asked what all I'd gotten to do there, I had a chance to tell her that we'd been there on our mini-survey trip, looking around to get info about the city because the group of us were thinking about moving there some day to do mission work. So then she began telling me about the Anglican church there that the Anglican church here in Prague apparently is pretty closely associated with. So I asked her more, and she told me all about how she was raised Catholic and about how she got involved with the Anglican church here. Then she asked me about the church that I work with here in Prague, Kristova Obec, which I'd mentioned in the short conversation we'd had. She was really interested in it and in what kinds of things we believe in. Definitely an opportunity, sent directly from God! As we got on the metro, we continued talking about belief in God and how it's soooo lacking from modern Czech society, about the kind of work that I would like to do someday if it is God's will for me to move over here, and about all sorts of cool stuff! I remembered that I had one of the church's little yellow information cards in my backpack, so I gave that to her, and she said she'd be interested in coming sometime. Awesome! Do me a favor and be praying for her - Alena Hromadkova - and for me too, as I try to find more ways of talking to her and reaching out to her. God's so cool!

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