To this way of life I am consecrated:
to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
to love my neighbor.
to love myself.
For there is no commandment greater than these.
First established in flourishing relationship
with my creator, redeemer, and sustainer,
with my fellow sojourners in faith
and those who have chosen a different path,
with the unique image of God I carry within,
I give my fully alive self to the community of Father, Son, and Spirit, to the community of faith,
and to those in the world who are without such wholeness.
Centered in attitudes of joyous expectation and love-filled self-emptying,
I magnify my Lord, humbly submit, and hope unceasingly in divine promise.
I reverence the other as an irreplaceable likeness of our multifaceted God.
I dedicate my all to the service of the kingdom and the praise of God’s glorious grace.
Exceedingly blessed, my life is an incarnation of appreciation for all gifts bestowed upon me—
joyously received from my generous God,
graciously extended to others as theirs,
earnestly cultivated as they are entrusted.
Time, money, talent… each provision an offering back to the one who first imparted it.
Though the materialist myth proclaims unlimited resources, I live instead in moderation,
abstaining from crimes of excess so others may forgo crimes of need.
Ardently I nurture God-given favors—empathy, wisdom, intellect, health—
and employ these endowments of heart, soul, mind, and strength.
For justice and mercy I extend myself,
as one who has received unending mercy from the God of justice.
as one who sees the world crying out
for justice in its fallenness
and mercy in its brokenness.
as one called to and graced with the ministry of this inextricable pair—
two sides of the same coin, two expressions of the same love.
To character and virtue I devote myself,
growing always in thought and in deed towards purity of heart before my holy God,
living from this stance of integrity as the presence of God in the world,
salt and light to flavorlessness and darkness,
seeking always the fruit of the Spirit and the audacious balance
of a God-centered life in a perilously self-centered world.
This is the true way of life. This I choose. This I will be.